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Thank God for a super blessed outreach on Sunday. It was busy the whole time. So many children got saved. They were blessed with gifts of balloons and children’s bibles. 24 people got saved, and a lot of people heard the Good News.
1. Tu Hoang
2. Kathy
3. Kenny Nguyen
4. Kathy Nguyen (sister of Kenny)
5. Kelly
6. Hanna
7. Tuan Ha
8. Vandan
9. Scard
10. Mother of Scard
11. Thu
12. Nhu Tran
13. Ailyn
14. Huy
15. Hien
16. Aiden
17. Grace
18. Thuy Nguyen
19. Barry Nguyen
20. Binh Tran
21. Thoa Pham
22. Minh Ha
23. Kevin
24. Angel
Thank God for these devine meetings between God, the lost and us. Thank God for You are a true great God bringing love, grace and salvation to us humans and allow us to be a part of Your family, sons and daughters of the most high God.
God protect and bless these new believers, give them the ability to read and understand the bible, give them each a transformed life, and lead them to the right bible believing church to be discipled.
God be with your faithful servants out in the field. Give them joy with super natural strength, and the annointing of the Holy Spirit to continue this work until the Lord Jesus comes again.
Special thanks to the people behind the scene praying and donating to the Follow Me Ministry. Thanks for helping us putting the bibles into people’s hands. We are grateful of your givings. May God protect and bless you richly.
The glory belongs to our great awsome God( Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) only.
John 17:2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. 3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.