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First Saturaday of the month 1/7/2023 outreach at Hong Kong 3 grocery store. This New Year we are pressing on. Thank God for a beautiful day, another opportunity to serve and so may divine appointments given. Praise God for so many people got a chance to hear the Gospel presentation, and 22 people prayed to put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus.
New believers:
1. Sherry
2. Khailey
3. Kevin
4. Khalyla
5. Ariyle
6. Duy Ly
7. Bao Chuong
8. Thuy Anh
9. Diane
10. Mrs. Tung
11. Vanna Tran
12. Vanessa (daughter of Vanna)
13. Andrew ( college student son of Vanna)
14. Jenny Nguyen
15. Christian Nguyen (his father is Ti)
16. Nguyen Kim Yen
17. Ngan Vo about 10 yrs old.
18. Charlese Vaneijk (about 10 yrs. old Dutch girl)
19. Tâm Tran
20. Ulysses
21. Tha (Laotian)
22. Nora
These people heard complete gospel presentation, but have not made the decision yet.
1. Mr. Cau
2. Hau
3. Nihoco Japanese
4. Khai
5. Linh
God, I pray for these new believers to grow strong in their faith and soon know the Bible.
I pray for Your faithful servants working in the field to be blessed, encouraged and strenthen.
I pray that God also bless the people working behind the scene in praying and donating to the Follow Me Ministry. God bless them to over flow.
The glory belongs to God( Father, Son and Holy Spirit) only.

2 Corinthians 5:19 NLT

For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.