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Last Sunday outreach at Hong Kong City Mall 11/27/22. The place was packed with people and there was no room in parking lot. Because there were so many people lining up at our table, we stayed and served an extra hour. Thank God for 28 people have place their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus. I will post the names of the new believers later today so you can pray for them.
Hallelujah, for the glory belongs to our God ( Father, Son and Holy Spirit) alone.
1. Lanh
2. John
3. Nina
4. Ivette Lopez
5. Jose Lopez
6. Frank Rodriquez
7. Phuobg Tran
8. Emily Tran
9. Tram Nguyen
10. Tiffany Nguyen
11. Amy Kim
12. Shaw Kim
13. Kevin Mai
14. Paula
15. Thao Le
16. Aiden Le
17. John Baccam
18. Amy Le
19. Thanh Pham
20. Carter
21. Gracy
22. Dulcet
23. Daija
24. Lynn
25. Kim
26. Diem
27. My Linh Tran
28. Hong Nguyen