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Chrismas 2022 outreach at Hong Kong 4 city mall 12/18/22. Thank God for another great outcome and waves of crowds gathering at our tables, and the people got a chance to hear the Good News of salvation. 31 people made their decisions for the Lord Jesus.
We also were visited by friends and believers whom we had shared the Lord Jesus to.
I noticed that a lot of men were saved.
New believers:
1. Chi Mai
2. Dung
3. Duong Chung Tuong
4. Billy
5. Tina
6. Thu lives near HW6
7. Hieu
8. Uyen
9. Ni daughter of Uyen
10. Addison
11. Chi Dung
12. Diem
13. brother Thiếu
14. Brother Phuong Cook
15. Rani
16. Rakshan
17. Evelyn Vo
18. Jason Vo
19. Alex related to Kim Tran
20. Kim Tran
21. Stephen
22. Sarah
23. Huong
24. Woman no name
25. Henry
26. Patti
27. Julia LA
28. Cody Nguyen
29. Alex Nguyen
30. Ryan Nguyen related to Alex and Cody
31. Le Nguyen
God, we praise You for Your work drawing people unto Yourself, into Your love and mercy. I pray for many many more people will put their faith and trust in You in the near future, including our families, relatives and friends.
God bless and protect these new believers. May they soon join the right church to learn the bible and their lives be transformed.
God bless all Your faithful servants serving in the field. Strengthen and encourage them to continue to go out and proclaim the Good News of salvation until the Lord Jesus comes.
God I thank the generous people behind the scene praying and donating into the Follow Me Ministry. Bless them in their jobs, heal their bodies and bless their lives to over flow.
Praise our awsome God( Father, Son and Holy Spirit), for the glory belongs to God only.

Matthew 4:16 NIV

the people living in darkness have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned