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This happened on the first Saturaday of this month 12/3/22. We were bringing the spirit of Chrismas to the local grocery store-Hong Kong 3.
It was not as busy that morning, but thank God for 7 new believers and many more heard the Gospel preached.
Please pray for these new believers:
1. Amiva from India in her 20’s
2. Ehsan from Egypt was Islam
3. Mike Chinese man
4. Ngoc Anh Nguyen vietnamese 60’s
5. Lisa Nong
6. The Hung was Catholic now has a relationship with God. He knows the reason why he could go to heaven.
7. Kim who works at the store.
God protect, bless and lead these new believers. May they soon gain the knowledge of You in the bible.
Bless and protect all the Your faithful servants serving in the field.
Special thanks to the people behind the scene praying and donating to Follow Me Ministry so that the people can have Gospel tracks and bibles.
Praise our mighty awsome God for His mercy and Grace. For the glory belongs to God ( Father, Son and Holy Spirit) only.

2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT

For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin,[a] so that we could be made right with God through Christ.