This is our new program going out on the first Saturaday of each month from 10:00 am to 12:00. This Saturaday outreach is at a new location- Hong Kong 3. It is not inside, but outside so the heat is getting us and the winds blow our paper tracks and balloons away.
We just wanted to get acquainted to the people, but 8 people prayed and put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus.
I prayed a lot before going and God showed up.
Praise God!
1. Be Nguyen Tran
2. Que Dang
3. Hoang Anh Le
4. Minh
5. Minh 86 years old
6. Prakash from India
7. Tapta Sarkar from India
8. Thong Doan
God, I pray for your blessings and protection on these new believers. Some have given us contact numbers so we can do home visit and some wanted go to our church tomorrow. I pray that they are led by God to the right bible believing church to be discipled.
Thank God for 3 pastors working out there today. One from a near by church who came early and left early. I have no picture of him. God You bless each one, bless their leaderships and ministries.
Thank God for all the faithful people partnering with the Follow Me Ministry through prayers and donations. God bless them to over flow.
Thank God for Your love and faithfulness, and You are so worthy to be praised. The glory belongs to God( Father, Son and Holy Spirit) only.
John 6:40 For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”